Dear Rachel,
About a calendar month agone I started a fashion blog. I was wondering if you lot could plough over me whatever tips on how to ameliorate it?
I know the blogging globe is completely awash alongside 'Blogging 101' posts, some of them good, some of them non then proficient in addition to some of them absolutely fantastic, but since I've been helping a few friends acquire their blogs off the the world (which agency sitting alongside them at their desks for nearly an lx minutes giving virtually a masterclass) I've decided I powerfulness equally good throw my chapeau into the band in addition to allow you lot know some of my thoughts equally to what makes a proficient blog.
Give your weblog a clean, clear in addition to tardily to navigate layout.
All of the blogs I read, without exception have fantastically designers in addition to tardily to navigate layout. Chances are if I've landed on your weblog in addition to I've either got lost or been overwhelmed past times ow busy the page is I've unopen the tab on my browser straight off without stopping to read what you lot lead hold to say. All this beingness said, a to lead hold a proficient construct clean layout you lot don't lead hold to live on a graphic pattern whizz. I may live on able to write basic HTML, but I remember I have tweaked the code of my weblog a grand total of twice, in addition to none of these for aesthetic reasons: changing the copyright data of this blog past times Blogger's template, in addition to removing the Blogger project bar from the transcend of this page, both of which were annoying me.
I recommend a white background in addition to dark text, tardily to read for everyone, in addition to to non role equally good many colours inwards your design. Apart from that, but travail to de clutter (less is more) in addition to brand certain everything is tardily plenty to read inwards your sidebar.
Create a 'start here' page.
Inspired past times Gala Darling (say what you lot similar nearly her, that daughter has a weblog pattern every blogger should larn from) I installed a 'Start Here' page at the transcend of my sidebar. It is inwards a proficient house for novel readers to see, and, well, click on. It includes a 'About Me' department in addition to a piffling chip nearly what this weblog is about, links to my social media networks, the selection to subscribe to weblog posts past times e-mail in addition to a listing of 10 weblog posts I remember it would live on a proficient persuasion for novel readers to kickoff at to acquire a experience for the form of things I write about. This page is basically my whole weblog inwards i house for novel readers to honour out what is all about, in addition to from what some of my novel readers lead hold told me, in addition to from what I tin assemble from my stats page, its been a massive success!
Blogging is a community activity.
Contrary to pop belief, the best way to acquire the give-and-take out nearly your weblog is non through jazzy or expensive ad campaigns, its about engaging in the community, commenting on other blogs you lot enjoy, chatting to other bloggers on Twitter in addition to utilising social networks similar in addition to IFB.
I know soul who writes an absolutely fantastic blog, but she does not really engage inwards the community past times commenting on other peoples blogs, or anything really. She but sits at her desk churning out content every few days. she has this fantastic blog, but no i knows nearly it to live on able to read it!
The blogging community is also slap-up for making friends, friends who portion blogging equally a mutual involvement alongside you. Have you lot ever tried explaining why you lot weblog to non blogger friends? The destination number is unremarkably non equally good pretty!
Post engaging in addition to original content.
This is the most mutual blogging tip, then I've certain you've read it everywhere, but the only argue everyone says it is because it works. People desire to read your weblog in addition to non the 1,0000,0000,0000 others out in that place because you lot lead hold something unique in addition to original to tell - then brand certain you lot tell it in addition to you're non posting all the same another post about 'X', 'Y' or 'Z' (says the girl currently typing an overdone Blogger 101 guide, irony acknowledged)
Take your ain photos.
The blogashere is over blogs who but lead hold someone else's pretty pictures to illustrate their posts. Hands up, I used to practise it but I've taken then much to a greater extent than pride inwards my run since I started taking exclusively my ain pictures. If you lot desire a constant flow of photos that lead hold gone viral across the web, there's Tumblr for that!
You don't fifty-fifty demand to lead hold a snazzy expensive camera or a full suite of photoshop skills to lead hold proficient photos for your blog. Just a proficient photographic telly camera that takes construct clean shots, non a telephone photographic telly camera (unless you've got an iPhone in addition to you're using Instagram) or webcam, in addition to a piffling imagination.
Also, copyright wise its actually difficult to credit a photograph dorsum to its original source if you've nabbed it off of We Heart It or Tumblr is somewhere similar that. Using your ain photos makes the whole procedure of copyright then much easier equally well!
Make it tardily for people to subscribe.
Sign upwardly to Bloglovin' in addition to lead hold a Bloglovin' widget inwards your sidebar. Most of my traffic comes through people who lead hold subscribed via Bloglovin'. Make your RSS feed easily linked, in addition to brand certain you lot also lead hold links to your other social networking sites similar Twitter readily available - you lot demand to acquire inwards tardily for people to live on able to come upwardly back!
Stick at it.
Sometimes is tin experience similar no i reads your blog, you're non getting whatever novel followers or you're non getting equally many comments on your post equally 'X' blogger. You are you lot in addition to non anyone else, your weblog is an online extension of yourself. Sit dorsum in addition to lead hold a breath, earlier keeping calm in addition to carrying on. It takes years for a weblog to acquire established. You are your ain milestone.
Blog for you, non for anyone else.
Everyone e'er asks me why I gave upwardly running Lipstick Royalty Magazine. The long in addition to brusk of it is it made me hapless in addition to eventually brought me to hysterical tears. Blog for you, non for anyone else. For most of us, blogging is non our job, its out hobby. There is non indicate engaging inwards a hobby in addition to writing nearly things you lot don't bask and make you miserable.
What are your tips for making a slap-up blog?
If you lot lead hold any questions you'd like me to answer, live on they on blogging, beauty or books, you lot tin drib me a quick email, contact me on Twitter or acquire out me a comment on Formspring!
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If you lot lead hold any questions you'd like me to answer, live on they on blogging, beauty or books, you lot tin drib me a quick email, contact me on Twitter or acquire out me a comment on Formspring!