Is the States Setting Up to Attack West Africa?

Is this why the U.S.A. has troops inward Niger? The U.S.A. armed services nutjobs are setting upwards for an eventual US attack on West Africa?

Nick Turse at The Intercept reports:
“5/23” terror assail [war game model] was a pocket-sized but pivotal business office of a fake do conducted final twelvemonth by
students as well as faculty from the U.S. military’s country of war colleges, which are the preparation grounds for prospective generals as well as admirals. Sprawling as well as intricate, the 33rd annual Joint Land, Air as well as Sea Strategic Special Program (JLASS-SP) brought together 148 students from the U.S. Air Force’s Air War College, the Army War College, the Marine Corps War College, the Naval War College, the Eisenhower School for National Security as well as Resource Strategy, the National War College, as well as the National Defense University’s Information Resources Management College. They collaborated for several weeks of remote war-gaming conducted via “cyberspace tools, telephones as well as video teleconferencing,” according to Pentagon documents obtained past times The Intercept. It culminated inward a five-day on-site do at the Air Force Wargaming Institute at Maxwell Air Force Base inward Alabama...

By 2021, according to the country of war game’s scenario, AQIM [ Al Qaeda inward the Islamic Maghreb (] boasts an estimated 38,000 members spread throughout Algeria, Mali, Mauritania, as well as Niger, as well as a network of preparation camps inward Mauritania, every bit good every bit outright bases inward Western Sahara. At the same time, AQIM strengthens its ties amongst the terror groups al Shabaab inward Somalia as well as Boko Haram inward Central Africa’s Lake Republic of Chad Basin to do a “network of synchronization across the African continent as well as beyond,” including shared funding, preparation methods, as well as IED-making materials. As this pan-African Islamist terror cartel grows, hence does AQIM’s global reach, eventually allowing it to ship out the devastating assail on the Lincoln Tunnel as well as another, that same day, on the Canadian Embassy inward Nouakchott, Mauritania’s capital, killing 135 people including the Canadian Ambassador as well as his staff.

With near-complete congressional backing as well as the assent of the authorities of Mauritania, President McGraw joins forces amongst Canada to launch Operation Desert Strike. H5N1 major U.S. as well as Canadian the world force, backed past times air as well as bounding main power, lands inward Islamic Republic of Mauritania on June 15, 2023 amongst McGraw promising the American people a “well-planned, rapid, as well as efficient functioning that would conclude inward 3 years.”

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